Most of the Bible readers of course concur that the relationship between Jesus and Mary, his mother, is an example of the harmonious relationships in the Bible. Admittedly, this idea is pervasive and could be found both in academic and popular writings, as well as in various artwork. Unlike that dominant idea, through this work, the writer is trying to show that the Gospel writers perform a different picture. The writer will investigate three key texts, namely John 2:3-4; Mark 3:20-35; and Luke 11:27-38, in order to show that, according to the Gospel writers, there is a relational tension between Jesus and Mary during Jesus’s ministry, which is apparently caused by a gap between Mary’s expectation and Jesus’s way of serving. As to the methodology, the writer will use an eclectic method, by drawing insight from some approaches to understand those texts better.
Hampir semua pembaca Alkitab pasti setuju bahwa relasi antara Yesus dan Maria, ibu-Nya, merupakan salah satu contoh relasi harmonis dalam Alkitab. Harus diakui, ide ini sangat pervasive dan bisa ditemukan baik dalam tulisan akademis, populer, maupun beragam karya seni. Berbeda dengan ide dominan tersebut, melalui tulisan ini penulis akan mencoba menunjukkan bahwa penulis Injil justru menampilkan gambaran yang berbeda. Penulis akan meneliti tiga teks kunci, yaitu Yohanes 2:3-4; Markus 3:20-35, dan Lukas 11:27-28, untuk menunjukkan bahwa, menurut penulis Injil, ada ketegangan relasional di antara Yesus dan Maria selama masa pelayanan Yesus, yang tampaknya muncul karena kesenjangan di antara ekspektasi Maria dan cara kerja Yesus. Mengenai metodologi, penulis akan menggunakan metode eklektik, dengan cara menarik pengertian-pengertian dari beberapa pendekatan untuk memahami teks-teks tersebut dengan lebih baik.
Full Text:
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