Metode Konseling Yesus Dalam Lukas 24:13-35 Dan Aplikasinya Bagi Pemimpin Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia Yesus Harapan Pasti Surabaya

Tongoni Gulo, Daud Manno, Roberth Ruland Marini


The counselig service at the Pentacostal Church in Indonesia “Jesus Harapan Pasti” Surabaya is not running well, is not systematic, has no basis, and does not have conceptual method so that is requires the right method like Jesus in recovering two of His disciples who were hopeless and headed towards Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35. Jesus applied several methods in His ministry to solve the disciples’ problems. The method in Luke 24:13-35 is used and applied in counselling services at GPdI YHP Surabaya considering the heterogeneity of problems faced by congregation. Therefore, this research is usefull in answering the question “how is the application of Jesus’ counselling method according to Luke 24:13-35 for the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia Jesus Harapan Pasti Surabaya?” In order to obtain accurate research results, this research uses descriptive qualitative research methods through open interview techniques with participants. The research results obtained by researchers were that there were many problem counsellors found in the GPdI YHP Surabaya congregation, while the leaders who had conducted counselling management, regular and directed treatment. Through the application of Jesus’ counselling method in Luke 24:13-35, leaders at GPdI YHP will obtain an organized, structured and focused counselling method in dealing with the complex problems of church.


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